
Digital Communication

About the Undergraduate Course

The undergraduate course in Digital Communication at FGV ECMI has an innovative curriculum. 

The subjects cover topics in the areas of Communication, Social Sciences, Data Science and Digital Culture to train the new professionals that the market is looking for. 

Throughout the course, theoretical components are combined with practical workshops, laboratory activities and various complementary activities.  


Why choose FGV ECMI?

The undergraduate course in Digital Communication at FGV ECMI trains professionals to:     

  • Understand the dynamics of digital media;
  • Collect and analyze data in online environments;
  • Apply data on the development and improvement of communication products, processes, services and organizations.


To achieve this, our education is 

  • Interdisciplinary, with knowledge in Communication, Information, Linguistics, Sociology and Data Science; 
  • Based on the FGV DAPP experience and its methodology for applied research in social networks.

Where to Work


Sem resultados para o filtro selecionado.

Admission to the undergraduate course in Digital Communication is based on:

  • Selection
  • National High School Exam (Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio – Enem) 
  • International exams
  • Transfer between courses/institutions 
  • Readmission for higher education diploma holders


Sign up!

Click here for more information of the selection process


At an international level, FGV ECMI establishes its own criteria for the selection of candidates based on results in the following exams: 

  • International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP), Switzerland
  • Abitur, Germany
  • Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), United States
  • Baccauléarat (BAC), France
  • Ciclo Básico Común, Argentina 
  • Prueba de Selección Universitaria, Chile 
  • Examen Nacional de Ingreso a la Educación Superior (EXANI-II Admisión), México



Monthly payment:

R$ 4,000.00

Scholarship Program

The School of Communication, Media and Information will have institutional support from FGV, which encourages the development of scholarship programs in its Schools. The goal of the program will be to promote the inclusion and integration of students of different socioeconomic levels, with financial support from partner institutions.


In addition to scholarships provided by the Institutional Program for Undergraduate Research Scholarships (Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação Científica – PIBIC), offered by national and regional research funding agencies, there are three types of scholarships offered by FGV:

  1. based on merit and granted to candidates approved in the selection processes ‒ these are personal and non-transferable under any circumstance, and their maintenance is conditioned to the student's academic performance and fulfillment of the criteria established by each course;
  2. a refundable scholarship granted in the form of school financing to students who demonstrate good academic performance and/or economic-financial need; and
  3. based on social demand and available according to the applicant's socioeconomic situation.

The percentage to be granted to each student can reach up to 100% of the monthly fees for the current school semester and will be defined by the School’s Scholarship Committee.


FGV ECMI holds ongoing extension activities to encourage interaction between the School and the external community.

The activities organized include media content production and organization of different types of events, such as academic seminars and hackathons open to all. In addition, there is also a regular schedule of workshops, courses and mini-courses for professional training.


Areas of the extension project

FGV ECMI’s extension project focuses on three major topics dealing with different aspects of the intersection between Communication and Technology. With an emphasis on digital methods, innovation and digital democracy, the extension activities are focused on the following areas:


This area seeks to develop activities to encourage the use of programming and digital methodologies in the field of communication. The activities are focused both on a formative dimension with an academic approach and on a practical dimension with tools and frameworks.

The extension projects in this area are inspired and based on FGV ECMI’s Innovation Cube laboratory and work in line with research and partners involved with the Cube. The projects propose innovations related to digital games, mixed, virtual or augmented reality, and artificial intelligence, among other topics within the scope of the Cube.

The activities in this area focus on media literacy and developing an ability to identify and understand different types of media, based on a critical approach of messages and their production processes. This involves the analysis of text messages, memes, viral videos, social media, videogames, publicity and other publications in order to develop projects for fact-checking and digital content production.

Project Selection

The extension projects at FGV ECMI are chosen through annual selections, and the topics are in line with the School’s pedagogical project and with the faculty’s abilities and interests. Seeking the development of innovative initiatives, extension at FGV ECMI encourages partnerships and collaborations with other educational institutions, organizations of civil society and companies.

Programa FGV Sorbonne “Cultura europeia: herança e modernidade”


A ação refere-se a um intercâmbio acadêmico firmado pela FGV com a Universidade de Paris-Sorbonne, uma das melhores instituições de ensino superior da Europa.


Any opinions expressed by Fundação Getulio Vargas’s staff members, duly identified as such, in articles and interviews published in any media, merely represent the opinions of these individuals and do not necessarily represent the institutional viewpoints or opinions of FGV. FGV Directive Nº 19 / 2018.