Leonardo Foletto

Graduate Program Coordinator

Leonardo Foletto is a journalist (UFSM), a Master (UFSC) and a Doctor in communication (UFRGS), with a post-doctorate at USP. He has worked with communication and digital culture since 2008 in several projects and organizations. He was a visiting professor at PUCSP, PUCRS and Unisinos. He is a researcher at FGV’s School of Communication and Media (ECMI) and a member of the Brazilian chapter of Creative Commons. His latest book, released in 2021, is titled “A Cultura é Livre”.

Any opinions expressed by Fundação Getulio Vargas’s staff members, duly identified as such, in articles and interviews published in any media, merely represent the opinions of these individuals and do not necessarily represent the institutional viewpoints or opinions of FGV. FGV Directive Nº 19 / 2018.