Maria Carolina Medeiros


Maria Carolina Medeiros is an advertising professional with a Marketing postgraduate degree. She is also a Master and PhD in Communication at PUC-Rio with a CAPES scholarship. She is a professor and researcher in the field of Communication, focusing on female socialization and narratives about women. She has published articles in academic books and journals and has had extensive participation on the media. In the digital environment, she founded the project “Não te empodero”, focusing on women's education, as well as a podcast with the same name. She seeks to connect the academic environment with the market and the public debate through courses, talks and consultancy. She shares her thoughts and research in the Instagram profile @mariacarolmedeiros

Any opinions expressed by Fundação Getulio Vargas’s staff members, duly identified as such, in articles and interviews published in any media, merely represent the opinions of these individuals and do not necessarily represent the institutional viewpoints or opinions of FGV. FGV Directive Nº 19 / 2018.

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