As one of the best think tanks in the world, FGV generates applicable knowledge in politics, economics, communication and culture, contributing to national development aligned with the best global trends.
It's no different at FGV Comunicação Rio: the School combines a highly qualified teaching staff with an internationally recognized teaching method, with an innovative curriculum, state-of-the-art laboratories and networking and professional placement experiences for students.
Through internationalization, the School promotes the exchange of knowledge and best practices across national borders, providing new academic perspectives for its faculty and students and stimulating creativity, innovation and the improvement of teaching and research produced internally.
International Events
Events held in collaboration with FGV Comunicação Rio's international partners promote not only high-level discussions on the field of Digital Communication and its interfaces with the Social Sciences and Data Science, but also the exchange of experiences with authorities, private sector leaders and representatives of academia and civil society from Brazil and abroad.
Summer Institute in Computational Social Science (SICSS)
Since 2021, FGV Comunicação Rio promotes the Brazilian edition of the Summer Institute in Computational Social Science (SICSS), a free two-week training program in Computational Social Science. The event has been held annually since 2017, organized by professors Chris Bail (Duke University) and Matthew Salganik (Princeton University). Bringing together master's students, doctoral students, post-doctoral students and professors, SICSS consists of a network course on digital and computational methods, with a central edition and several local editions simultaneous to the main edition.
Duke in Brazil Summer Program (DiB)
The collaboration between FGV Comunicação Rio and Duke University aims to strengthen the school's relationship with a leading institution abroad, as well as guaranteeing an intercultural and globalized education for our students. Once a year, FGV Comunicação Rio hosts students from the intensive Portuguese language and Brazilian culture course run by Duke University. Through immersive activities in the school's laboratories facilitated by the teachers, the undergraduate classes introduce the visiting students to the field of Digital Communication and its relationship with the axes of the DiB Program: social problems and environmental problems in Brazil.
One of FGV Comunicação Rio's priorities is to encourage student mobility through exchange programs with partner foreign Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Formal short and long-term exchange programs allow outgoing students to spend a semester or an academic year at partner universities, gaining valuable international experience.
Participation in exchange programs offers students the opportunity to enrich their academic and personal training through experiences in educational environments of excellence abroad, internationalizing their academic career while still an undergraduate. In addition, the exchange program qualifies their future professional performance, preparing them to face global challenges and increasing their competitiveness in the job market.
The partnership with institutions abroad also promotes the international insertion of FGV Comunicação Rio as an important player in communication, media and information on a global scale.
NOVA University of Lisbon – School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH)
FGV Comunicação Rio and NOVA University of Lisbon, through the School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH), have a cooperation agreement in place for the exchange of undergraduate and postgraduate students. NOVA FCSH offers a large number of undergraduate, master's and doctoral courses, taught by a highly qualified academic staff and distributed across 12 departments in the areas of social sciences, arts and humanities.
FGV Sorbonne Program
FGV, through its agreement with the Université Paris-Sorbonne, offers a course on “Western European Culture: Heritage and Modernity”, which comprises i) an Introduction to European Culture course at FGV's premises, complemented by ii) training in the arts and humanities, with lectures, cultural activities and professional meetings over six weeks at the Université Paris-Sorbonne's premises. Since 2010, more than 200 FGV students have taken part in the program.
FGV Comunicação Rio has an innovative curriculum that combines tracks focused on Communication, Data Science and Digital Culture to train the new professionals sought after by the Digital Communication market. Throughout the course, theoretical subjects are combined with practical workshops, laboratory activities and various complementary activities.
The Bachelor’s Degree in Digital Communication trains professionals capable of understanding digital media and working creatively and innovatively, collecting and analyzing data from online environments. These professionals generate value by applying this data to the development and improvement of content, products, processes, services and communication organizations.
FGV Comunicação Rio also prioritizes the training of professionals aligned with the practice of communication with ethics, respect and responsibility, including in relation to Artificial Intelligence.
Contact Information
International Office FGV Comunicação Rio
Praia de Botafogo, 190, 7th floor Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro - RJ 22250-900