The Professional Master's in Digital Communication and Data Culture prepares professionals of excellence for the contemporary challenges of the digital world.
The first class of 2024 is a partnership between FGV Comunicação Rio, Aberje, and Fundação Itaú. Thirty full scholarships will be offered, with the aim of promoting the development of Third Sector professionals, among others, to meet the urgent needs of contemporary Brazil and generate social impact
The criteria for granting the scholarships consider professional work in the third sector, preferably in areas of social impact, education, and culture, as well as work in the field of Communication in private companies with action in the ESG field, social responsibility, and sustainability. Ethnic-racial and gender diversity will also be considered.
Course Presentation
By stimulating innovative capacity, the professional master's degree at the School of Communication, Media, and Information of Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV ECMI) equips students to work in different areas of the job market, also opening opportunities for them to engage in research and teaching activities. Practice and theory balance scientific knowledge aimed at solving concrete problems. Since it is conducted part-time, the Master's program does not require exclusive dedication and can be reconciled with the students' professional careers.

The main objectives of the professional master's program are to train autonomous and ethical professionals, promote critical reflection on digital technologies, and strengthen the role of the communicator in the emerging data culture. In addition, it aims to drive entrepreneurship and innovation in the sector, encouraging the development of interactive and data-based products and services. It also seeks to provide practical-theoretical knowledge for the application of Data Science in the analysis and intervention in communicational, social, and political processes, and to develop skills for the production and transmission of knowledge in the area of Digital Communication.

The course is aimed at managers and communicators, professionals already in the market, with interest in large companies and the third sector, as well as data, Digital Communication, management, technology, and innovation. People who focus on transformation and innovation in the data culture of organizations will identify with this program.
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The professional Master's program consists of 12 subjects of 2 credits or 30 hours each, including the curricular component related to the Project Preparation Seminar (30h), totaling 24 credits or 360 hours in curricular subjects. Additionally, there is a scheduled workload dedicated to Guidance (60h) and Final Project Preparation (90h), for the development of the final course work, totaling 10 credits or 150 hours.

The Professional Master's curriculum includes:
- 5 mandatory subjects with 30 hours each: total of 10 credits and 150 hours;
- 3 elective subjects with 30 hours each: total of 6 credits and 90 hours;
- 4 optional subjects with 30 hours each: total of 8 credits and 120 hours;
- Guidance for Final Project Preparation: total of 4 credits and 60 hours;
- Final Project Preparation: total of 6 credits and 90 hours.
Mandatory Subjects
Presenting an overview of Communication studies through a debate on concepts, theoretical-methodological models, major schools, and the historiography of the communication field.
Expand the understanding of concepts, principles, and functions of technologies, media, and resources of Digital Communication as mediators of communicational, social, and political processes: from avatars and wearables to the metaverse.
Discuss the fundamentals that define social research mediated by digital social networks, focusing on their impact on public debate and the public sphere. Deepen the understanding of the mechanisms that shape the field of digital research, techniques, and methods informed by theory.
Introduce the epistemological and methodological principles behind the construction of scientific knowledge, including the method and stages of research. Also, analyze the structure of a research project, research techniques, such as qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods, focusing on studies on the internet and Digital Communication.
Present the research process based on the scientific method and deepen the research practice for the development of the final course project (TCC), with a specific focus on detecting and solving everyday social and organizational problems in the field of Digital Communication. Methods, concepts, and best practices related to scientific research are presented in a way applied to each student's project.
Sessions for guiding the student's final course project (TCC) with their advisor.
Preparation of the final project.
Elective courses tied to the data intelligence and society research area
Present discussions within the field of communication and ethics and their interface with technological innovations, hyperconnectivity, big data, and artificial intelligence. Explore concepts, theoretical-methodological approaches, and legal frameworks in order to analyze the effects of these innovations on the public debate, the protection of fundamental rights, and on the dynamics of democracy. Analyze the adoption of artificial intelligence and automation in social contexts and its implications.
Reflect on the dynamics involving communication, the internet and politics, and their effects on democracy. Study the relationships between political discourse and online populism. Understand how public opinion is formed in the context of a hybrid media system, focusing on the effects of online disinformation, the circulation of fake news, and other types of deceptive content on digital platforms (and worlds).
Characterize the field of the Political Economy of Communication based on the new political-economic relations in digital environments, which affect work models, national and global governance, power contestation, and the regulation of platforms, algorithms, and technological innovations.
Elective Courses Linked to the Line of Digital Contents, Products, and Services
Present, reflect, and build new practices of digital content production and narratives. Understand the characteristics, potentialities, and limitations of formats, genres, types of content, and digital narratives, according to the materialities and specificities of digital platforms and other interactive media.
Present a multidisciplinary and contemporary view of Crisis Management with a focus on the Third Sector, discussing and applying communication management concepts to predict, plan, manage, and mitigate image impacts resulting from conflicts and crises, contributing to the maintenance of institutional reputation. Enhance knowledge about crises and their management. Work on knowledge and benchmarks about conflicts and crises in the Third Sector environment. Equip students to work in the prevention and management of incidents and emergencies.
Reflect on the dynamics of consumption and advertising, with an emphasis on debates related to the digital environment. It intends to analyze changes in consumption practices and advertising strategies in light of theoretical reflections proposed by authors who focus on the mutations in contemporary capitalism and their implications for social life.
Optional Courses
Understand the key characteristics of storytelling in transmedia narratives, exploring its rhetorical, aesthetic, and technical dimensions. Develop interview techniques and apply storytelling in organizational communication and corporate project planning. Finally, analyze the appropriate scenarios to implement storytelling as part of the organizational narrative
Present a multidisciplinary and contemporary view of strategic communication planning in the context of organizations, especially in the third sector. Discuss and apply communication management concepts that contribute to generating value and positive impact, allowing professionals to have knowledge that supports the expansion of their performance. Understand how to promote the integration of digital strategies and tactics with traditional communication efforts.
Present concepts, develop skills, and train in strategic communication and relational processes to carry out advocacy activities (interest defense), acting legitimately and ethically to achieve more efficient results with the Executive and Legislative Powers and mobilizing society for a cause.
How are institutions, including Third Sector organizations, their representatives, and their representations perceived by society as legitimate? The course discusses the importance of strategic communicational and relational processes as central parts of organizational policies, especially in a society driven by symbolic actions. The main argument is that the narrative of legitimacy is always an unstable social construction, developed from organizational memory and history.
Understand the major debates within the critical study of media and digital culture. Develop critical thinking regarding the various forms of content and social practices within digital media and cultures. Question aspects related to the digital and computational world as elements of everyday life, culture, and work. Analyze the interactions between aspects such as race, gender and social class (and their intersectionalities) and digital media. Build knowledge about the economic, social, and environmental impacts of contemporary digitalization and datafication processes.

Research Line: Digital Content, Products, and Services
- Digital, multimedia, and interactive content
- Publics, markets, and consumption practices
- Digital marketing
- Business intelligence applied to communication
- Data-driven content production workshop

Research Line: Data Intelligence and Society
- Digital data analysis and extraction workshop
- Political economy of communication and platform regulation
- Online communication and politics
- Computational social sciences

Edital do processo seletivo 2025.1
Processo Seletivo 2024.2
- Acesse o Edital
- Acesse a Errata do Edital, onde constam as alterações do Item das Bolsas de Estudo, com acréscimo dos itens 4.6 e 4.7, e do cronograma - Anexo I do Edital. As demais informações permanecem inalteradas.
A primeira turma do mestrado profissional foi lançada a partir de uma parceria entre a FGV Comunicação Rio, a Aberje e a Fundação Itaú. Foram oferecidas 30 bolsas integrais, com o objetivo de promover o desenvolvimento de profissionais do Terceiro Setor, entre outros, para atender às urgências do Brasil contemporâneo e gerar impacto social.
Os critérios para concessão das bolsas consideraram atuação profissional no terceiro setor, preferencialmente em áreas de impacto social, educação e cultura, além de atuação na área de Comunicação em empresas privadas com ação no campo de ESG, responsabilidade social e sustentabilidade.
DURATION: 18 months
TOTAL HOURS: 510 hours
SCHEDULE: Mandatory in-person classes in Rio de Janeiro, concentrated from 9 am to 6 pm (each quarter, four times a week). Other elective and optional courses may occur through active methodologies on Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 7 pm to 10 pm, according to the quarterly schedule.
DEGREE: Master in Communication
Production of applied research through the development of a product attached to the dissertation or scientific article conducted by the student. The products can be apps, teaching materials, tutorials, or media programs. The defense will be conducted before a public panel composed of three professors, one of whom must be external to FGV ECMI.
Six quarters
Courses: 24 credits; Final Project: 10 credits; *Reference: 1 credit = 15h
INVESTMENT: R$ 61,649.10 upfront. The student can also pay in up to 18 (eighteen) installments, with monthly payments of R$ 3,805.50.
* For candidates of the 2024 master's cohort, FGV ECMI offers 5 full scholarships, and the Itaú Foundation offers 25 full scholarships. For information on the scholarship criteria, please refer to item 4 of the Notice