

FGV Comunicação Rio participates in Compós 2024 with 5 studies

The School participated in one of the most traditional events in Digital Communication

Disinformation, gender violence, security policies on social media, platformization, and gender issues in games are the topics of the five studies developed by researchers and professors of the School of Communication, Media and Information at Fundação Getulio Vargas for the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Compós (National Association of Graduate Programs in Communication). This year’s event will happen from July 23 to 26 at the Fluminense Federal University (UFF) in Niterói, Rio de Janeiro.

One of the most traditional academic events in Communication, this year’s edition will bring together researchers from all over the country to debate their studies in 24 work groups. FGV Comunicação Rio will participate with studies such as “Disinformation and the demographic, political and media profile of the debunked in Brazil”, authored by the School’s professors Luciana Veiga and Eurico Matos, the researcher Denisson Santos, as well as Victor Piaia, who is also a professor at FGV Comunicação Rio. The study is part of the Communication and Politics work group.

Another study in the same work group is “Interrupted trajectories, concealed insults: political gender violence on digital platforms”, authored by the FGV Communication Rio researcher Letícia Sabbatini and the researcher Viktor Chagas.

In the Digital Materialities and Communication Practices work group, professor Anna Bentes will present the study “The platformization of advertising and digital influence technologies: infrastructure, markets and governance”.

Another professor at FGV Comunicação Rio, Renata Tomaz, will present the study “Security policies on Tik Tok for “young people” — regulated sociabilities” in the Communication Processes in Children and Youth work group.

In the Communication and Culture work group, the FGV Communication Rio researcher Catherine Moura, along with researcher José Messias, will present the study “Playing like a girl: a virtual ethnography of women amid the platformization of digital culture”.


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