

FGV ECMI hosts German Language Week in partnership with German Consulate in Rio de Janeiro

Event will bring together consular officials from Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland, as well as German schools and other institutions

Fundação Getulio Vargas’ School of Communication, Media and Information (FGV ECMI) is holding its 2023 German Language Week, a series of cultural activities to celebrate the language. This public event will take place on April 15, from 10 am to 5 pm, at the FGV Cultural Center.

The initiative takes place through a partnership between the school and the German Consulate in Rio de Janeiro, as well as consular officials from Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland (countries in which German is an official language).

German Language Week is held annually and it involves embassies, consulates, cultural institutes and other partner organizations from the five countries in question, including the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Goethe Institute, German schools (Corcovado and Cruzeiro), the Baukurs language school and the Brazilian Association of German Language Teachers (ABraPA).

For this year’s edition, FGV ECMI has prepared an exclusive program, featuring booths, a guided tour of the school’s physical facilities and workshops designed to explore the German language based on digital communication themes.

Throughout the day, there will be activities for all ages, including children’s activities, presentations, workshops, traditional cuisine from the different countries, competitions and a quiz. There will also be information stands for each of the aforementioned institutions participating in the event.

>> See how it was


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