

The fourth Brazilian edition of SICSS is open for registration

FGV ECMI will host the Computational Social Science once more

Between July 1 and 12, 2024, FGV ECMI will host the fourth Brazilian edition of the Summer Institute in Computational Social Science (SICSS), a free two-week course in Computational Social Science. 

The event is organized by professors Chris Bail (Duke University) and Matthew Salganik (Princeton University) and has happened every year since 2017, gathering master's, doctoral and post-doctoral students and professors. It is a network course with a central event and several local editions happening simultaneously to the main event.

In the two weeks of the course, students will receive training the digital and computational methods within the field of Computational Social Science with professors of the main SICSS event, FGV ECMI professors, and guests such as Stephanie Jorge, cofounder of Torabit, Leonardo Nascimento, coordinator of the Digital Humanities Laboratory of the Federal University of Bahia, Davi Moreira, assistant professor at Emory University, and Elias Bitencourt, adjunct professor of Design at the State University of Bahia.

Follow this link to register.  Students are required to submit a resume, a letter of intent and an article. The workshops and lectures will happen remotely and in Portuguese.  

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