

FGV ECMI participates in certificate ceremony for TCE-RS

Training in evaluating public policies was carried out in partnership with IDE In Company

Professor Beatriz Pinheiro of the School of Communication, Media and Information at Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV ECMI) participated, on November 29, in the certificate ceremony for the Public Policy Assessment course given to the auditors of the Accounting Court of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (TCE - RS). The event was held in the seat in the Court building in Porto Alegre. 

Those present included the chairman of TCE - RS, Alexandre Postal, the director of the Francisco Juruena School of Management and Control, Anderson Bettanin, and the vice-director Marcos Rolim, in addition to 47 students who completed the course.

The course was organized by FGV ECMI in partnership with the Institute for Educational Development (IDE) In Company, and was structured specially to meet the performance needs of the auditors of the Accounting Court of the State of Rio Grande do Sul.

“The course addressed the systemic approach to assessing public policies and included elements that will help auditors improve their technical capacity for analyzing and evaluating public policies, contributing to the improvement of the audits they already carry out”, explained professor Beatriz. 

The Center for Public Policies, an initiative of the TCE-RS School, was also launched during the occasion.   

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